
The Snow Shoo Shoo is a Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! episode from season one.

Characters Present[]


Walden had discovered the only Snow Shoo Shoo in the world living on Mount Zubba Bubba, but lately he hasn't seen it. Wubbzy, Widget and Walden go on an expedition to find the Snow Shoo Shoo and are surprised with what they find.


At his house, Walden tells Wubbzy and Widget about the discovery of the Snow Shoo Shoo. However, Walden is concerned as the Shoo Shoo has not shown up in three days. Therefore, they open a detective case; Widget brings out her Mystery-Cracker 3000 for the job. The gang then hop into Walden's All-Over Rover and head to Mount Zubba Bubba.

When the gang reach Mount Zubba Bubba, Widget suggests playing Walden's hoopty-horn, and it scares Birdy Bird and pops his feathers off, he does it again but with ruining a squirrel's acorn stack. The Shoo Shoo never shows up. So, they start their adventure, as Wubbzy asks what they are finding, Walden replies with "Anything unusual." Wubbzy then tries to find something that is unusual, he then stops when he sees his tail from the magnifying glass. Walden doesn't accept that and tells him for anything unusual on the ground or trees. Wubbzy does that and then falls into a giant hole. Widget and Walden are still looking and they bump into each other and become concerned about Wubbzy's absence but he says that he is in that hole and Walden says that it's a Snow Shoo Shoo footprint. They then follow the path of Snow Shoo Shoo footprints but they stop.

Widget then goes to a little spot with what she thinks is a pink flower, she then sniffs it and sneezes. Walden is fascinated that Widget just founded a part of pink Snow Shoo Shoo fur and they find more. As they walk further, no more fur and they hear some drum banging. Walden then writes it up as the ground shakes from the drum banging. Widget finds a cave where she can hear it.

Wubbzy, Widget, and Walden go into the cave and the shaking ground causes them to fall on what Wubbzy and Widget think is a pink, giant, furry pillow. but it is shown it's a bunch of Snow Shoo Shoos, Walden then greets the original Shoo Shoo he found and asks what they should do about the Shoo Shoos, Wubbzy then replies with, "I'll give you a clue!" and starts dancing to the Shoo Shoos' beat. Walden then plays his hoopty-horn to the beat and Wubbzy says that it's good that he brought his "dance shoo-shoes" as a joke and laughs.



Coming soon!

Post-Show Skit[]

The short, "I'm Flying", is played.

Name in other languages[]

  • French: Le Givraglagla. ("The Frostglaze.")
  • German: Der Schnee-SchuSchu ("The Snow-SchuSchu")
  • Spanish (Spain): El abominable patuco de las nieves ("The Abominable Bootee of the Snows")
  • Portuguese (Brazil): o Babu Das Neves
  • Portuguese (Portugal): Em busca do Sho Sho das neves ("In Search of the Sho Sho of the Snow”)


  • Moral: Investigate if you think something is wrong.
  • This is the sixth time Walden is the leading character in an episode, the first being Perfecto Party, the second being Goo Goo Grief!, the third being Mr. Cool, the fourth being Warp Speed Wubbzy!, and the fifth being The Last Leaf.
  • This episode is similar to the 1996 fellow Nick Jr. show "Blue's Clues" since Walden uses a notebook and he, Wubbzy, and Widget find some clues.
  • This is the fifth episode where Walden has a leading role in with Wubbzy as a supporting character. The first four being "Goo Goo Grief!", "Perfecto Party", "Mr. Cool", and "Warp Speed Wubbzy!".