
Widget is a mechanical whiz who owns her own fix-it-shop and is always ready to jump in and lend a hand.
Her solution to any problem is to build something large and complicated (which sometimes doesn't work as intended).


Widget is pink with hot pink overalls. She has black eyes and a white undershirt. She is usually wearing her light green gloves which match the color of the buttons on her overalls.


Widget has appeared in most episodes of the television show Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!.


Widget has appeared to be a go-do-it-now type of person. She will do anything to help a friend and is very considerate. She doesn't give up and makes sure everything is fine.

Her favorite saying is "No prob-lem-o!" When things don't go right, she normally says "Oops, that's not supposed to happen" or "Pickles and prune juice!"
